Sunday, July 24, 2011

Suckfest 2011

What we've been feeling like lately...

* the exchange rate blows
* therefore, we can't travel (or basically do anything on the economy) bc it costs too darn much
* we are not happy here
*the ppl who are not happy here are the ppl who CAN'T travel not the ppl who DON'T travel (BIG difference)
* the durango blew its break line...280 Euro down the drain (no, we didn't need that 400 bucks...)
* JR's unit has now made it impossible for him to be order to even go to a board he MUST win Soldier of the Month AND Soldier of the
* 2 more years can't go by fast enough

yadda yadda yadda...there's more but I just don't feel like listing them at this time...

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