Sunday, November 20, 2011

gonna try to keep up:)

OK, we've had a fun, exciting and stressful (at times) year.  I want to try to keep our blog going!  It's really hard sometimes!!  lol:)

It's the mooost wonderful tiiime of the yearrr!!  We are looking forward to Thanksgiving this Thursday at our friend's house!!  I am thankful to not have to roast the turkey this year (the first time in 4 years, I think!)!!  It will be such a great day with great friends and their families and, of course, epic food!!

Shortly after Thanksgiving, our handsome boy, Lex, will turn 1 year old!!  I can't wrap my head around it! Where did this year go?  Where did my cute, chunky baby boy go?  LOL!!  He is so full of himself and so happy!  He hardly ever cries!  He is so animated and adorable, and he knows it!!

Ben and Zac are very excited about Christmas coming soon and are telling me what they would like this year!!  Luckily Santa has been listening to them and has gotten some of the things they've asked for! :)

Here are some pics of the last few months:

I really am going to try as hard as I can to keep up with our blog, I just get distracted and busy!!  So, till next time!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Suckfest 2011

What we've been feeling like lately...

* the exchange rate blows
* therefore, we can't travel (or basically do anything on the economy) bc it costs too darn much
* we are not happy here
*the ppl who are not happy here are the ppl who CAN'T travel not the ppl who DON'T travel (BIG difference)
* the durango blew its break line...280 Euro down the drain (no, we didn't need that 400 bucks...)
* JR's unit has now made it impossible for him to be order to even go to a board he MUST win Soldier of the Month AND Soldier of the
* 2 more years can't go by fast enough

yadda yadda yadda...there's more but I just don't feel like listing them at this time...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I obviously suck at blogging...

What can I say...I do suck at blogging!  LOL:)

BUT, we have been pretty busy these last 2 months!  We welcomed baby Alexander Scott on Dec 7th via c-section due to a true knot in his cord.  His heart rate kept disappearing off the monitors and I wasnt dilated enough to push him out.  It was nerve racking but he was born healthy and screaming!!

He is actually crying for food right now so I'll continue this when I have the time...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

OMG, it's been a month already??

Whoops!  Lost track of the days, sorry about that:)

Let's see...what's been going on?...Well, I'm just gonna list them from the last month...
Here we go:

*We got a "new" car...1998 Dodge Durango!
*We got rid of our POS 1992 BMW (we will NEVER own a Beamer again)!
*We finally got a new dryer...ours crapped out and it took about 3 weeks for maintenance to get us another one.
*I celebrated my 30th birthday on Oct. 15th!
*We found out that "Bakin" is most definitely a boy!!  His name is Alexander Scott...aka Lex!
*We bought a new Graco Travel System for Lex!
*We have a closet full of new clothes for baby Lex and are awaiting all the hand-me-downs from the fam back in the States!
*I am learning how to solve a Rubiks Cube!!  LOL:)
*I think it is safe to say that Zac is FINALLY, officially and completely potty trained!!!!  WTG ZAC!!!
*I can legally drive in Germany now and it feels GREAT!!  I've missed's been since May 10th that I drove last, so I feel liberated again!!
*JR got his Dress Blue Class A's!!  He looks nice and spiffy in them!!!
*Benny lost his first tooth on Oct. 30th!!  The Tooth Fairy gave him $5.00 for it, he was too excited!!!
*We had a fun Halloween!  Ben started out as a Phantom and then changed to a Vampire (Eddy Munster style!! LOL) and Zac was a Vampire/Zombie (he didn't want to wear his cape!)!
*We found out that Ben is far-sighted (his vision is 20/25 though) and will be wearing glasses for at least the next year to see if he out grows it!  Anything to help him out!:)  He looks so handsome in them too!!
*Christmas is 7.5 weeks away and our shopping is about done!!!!!

Now I'm gonna try to post pics on didn't want to work the last time I tried so **fingers crossed**!!                                           YAY!!!  IT WORKED THIS TIME!!!

Until next time...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Story of a dream

So I had an interesting dream last night that I know many people would love for it to become reality!

I dreamt that JR received last minute orders to return to C co back at Ft. Drum, NY!  He got them because they needed him to deploy with them because he knows what he is doing and the majority (excluding those who know who they are) of soldiers in that company are idiots!!  HAHA!!!  Now for the best part...our Ellises let us move in until we get housing!!  

How freaking awesome would that be??  Not the being deployed part, but being back in the states, close to family and friends living with the Ellises and mini-Ellises for awhile!!!

We miss everyone lots and lots!!

Gotta go hit the Commissary so I'm gonna hop off here!  C Ya!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

House full of sickies:(

So the boys and I went to the doctors today because we were all hackin' and coughin' up lungs, not to mention runny noses and sneezing:(  It turns out we all have bronchitis...except for JR??!!  I don't understand how the only smoker in the house escaped this??!!  LOL:)  Anyhoo, Ben and Zac were given inhalers to help with chest tightness and nose spray for runny/stuffed up noses.  They couldn't give me an inhaler because it can cause a rise in blood pressure which is def. not needed/wanted!  So I have to cope with the symptoms, but they did give me a sinus clearing rinse (oh joy)!!  The Dr. also prescribed me Ranitidine for the killer heartburn I've been having...I mean, I could literally melt stuff with my breath, that's how hot it's been in my chest and throat!  Not much fun! :(

Now, on a happy thought...I am 31 weeks along with this pregnancy today!!  Happy 31 weeks "Bakin"!!!  

Um, not much else to say soooooo, BYE!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

My first blog EVER!!!

It will probably be obvious that I have never blogged before!!  I hope this blog will be a good way for our families to keep UTD with us while we are so far away!!

Following JR's army career, we moved to Germany in May!  We are enjoying it little by little.  It is more expensive here than in the States (the exchange rate is like 0.80 Euro to the US $1.00)..bleh, so we haven't traveled out of Germany yet!  It is beautiful here though, I can't get enough of the scenery as we drive up and down the's simply breathtaking!!

*And since the uploaded is being stupid, you'll just have to visualize the scenery here!

So, as my profile says, I am an army wife and mother of 2 handsome boys (Ben, 5 and Zac, 4!)!  Preggo with baby #3 (our last baby)!!  We are not sure what gender the baby is.  The ultrasounds I've had said girl, then boy and now they're not sure!  I believe it's another baby boy!!  "Bakin" is due to arrive Dec. 3rd and we can't wait!!

I think this is enough for my first blog!  I am going to try to keep this updated as often as possible (I def. cannot guarantee everyday, LOL)!!

**Sarah Ellis, you have officially sucked me in!**  hahaha

Since it is almost 8 pm here, I will say good night now!!  Good Night all!!