Thursday, September 30, 2010

My first blog EVER!!!

It will probably be obvious that I have never blogged before!!  I hope this blog will be a good way for our families to keep UTD with us while we are so far away!!

Following JR's army career, we moved to Germany in May!  We are enjoying it little by little.  It is more expensive here than in the States (the exchange rate is like 0.80 Euro to the US $1.00)..bleh, so we haven't traveled out of Germany yet!  It is beautiful here though, I can't get enough of the scenery as we drive up and down the's simply breathtaking!!

*And since the uploaded is being stupid, you'll just have to visualize the scenery here!

So, as my profile says, I am an army wife and mother of 2 handsome boys (Ben, 5 and Zac, 4!)!  Preggo with baby #3 (our last baby)!!  We are not sure what gender the baby is.  The ultrasounds I've had said girl, then boy and now they're not sure!  I believe it's another baby boy!!  "Bakin" is due to arrive Dec. 3rd and we can't wait!!

I think this is enough for my first blog!  I am going to try to keep this updated as often as possible (I def. cannot guarantee everyday, LOL)!!

**Sarah Ellis, you have officially sucked me in!**  hahaha

Since it is almost 8 pm here, I will say good night now!!  Good Night all!!